英语听力:2013-12-18 地平线:什么害死了我们的蜜蜂—12
时间:2014-02-18 07:13:22
Our second suspects, pesticides1, are the most controversial. This year the European commission analyzed2 the two-year-ban on the use of called Neony Cortenoise. They said the evidence now showed that they were in unacceptable danger to bees feeding on flowering flowers.
“And this is what’s generating more Hidenoting : Neony Cortenoied pesticides. Often they come coated on the seeds, like on these
rape3 seeds. So that as the plant grows, the chemical spread throughout the organism: through the roots, the leaves, the flowers, even to the next trend: polum. Now one of the terms the scientists use to measure just how
lethal4 these things are is called LD-50. Those to this lethal to 50 percent, half of the test subject. And how lethal to our bees, is just 4 billion to a gram. Introduces another question: Just what are these things doing to our bees. ”
Neony Cortenoise are nerveagence, and they only infect insects. They were introduced in the 1990s to repace the more harmful pesticides. When used properly, they cause deadly perralisise in small insects like aifyts. But if they do that to afits, What’s the effect on the bees?
This scientist in Germany is investigating just that. 40 years of research made professor Randalf Manso a global authority on the nerve assisted maphis.