时间:2014-03-18 07:20:37
I really love the idea of the levels and getting to the next level,and fighting different styles.As a dancer who battled other dancers,that was like the whole mentality1.
And on the third level it's supposed to be a person who is trained in weaponry and so he chose me to do the part.Dan Inosanto,being one of the freshest Filipinos on the planet,was actually the person that brought the nunchakus to Bruce Lee.
I introduced the nunchakus to Bruce Lee.And at the time he thought this was a
worthless2 piece of junk.When he moved into the LA area,I taught him how to use it.He said,"I'm gonna use this on The GreenHornet."
Nunchakus was always somemother's broom getting sacrificed,which would then turn into someone's groin being sacrificed.
In three months he was swinging it like he had been doing it for a lifetime.I was living in Miami when they came out.Every
gangster3 in town had nunchakus,and couldn't use them worth a shit.
I would spend hours
whipping4 them around and trying to learn the moves,trying to copy how he'd have it under his shoulder right here and have the hand out.
In a short time I think almost every child is using this.It became like a household product.It's
outlawed5 now in California.After I watched this movie, I used to use that.But I always hit my elbow.
Right out of the gate I swung real hard and I even made the Bruce Lee noise.And I hit my head and there was this big nut that came out maybe an inch.
And after that I stopped making the noise and I stopped playing with the nunchucks.