时间:2014-03-19 05:37:27
It was an instanty,creating a super star whose influence would change the world forever.
For many people, "Enter the Dragon" was their first glimpse of this new Asian super star.
对于许多人来说 "龙争虎斗"是他们第一次见识这位新的亚洲超级巨星
The movie left profound and
lasting2 impression,influencing and inspiring people around the world,like rapper and actor LL Cool J.
这部影片经久不衰,影响并启发世界上许多人,例如说唱歌手兼演员LL Cool J。
From the first time I saw him on screen,you know, I just thought he was eletrifying.
He had a lot of
charisma3.He was magnetic, so fluid.And his movement was so cat-like.It was just really really exciting for you.
A lot of speaking he did through movement,through
posture4, through looks and glances.I mean there were certain scenes where he didn't even have to say anything.
LL Cool J is the first rap artist to
amass5 10
consecutive6 platinum-selling albums.He's moved on to his successful
acting7 career,with more than 30 films under his belt.
LL Cool J是史上第一位连续发行10张白金唱片的说唱歌手,他还成功进军影视圈,出演了30多部影片。
Bruce Lee influenced me because Bruce Lee made me wanna make movies.He was a powerful human being and, you know, that in a power that resonating.He jumped off the screen and touched you personally.
李小龙影响了我 正是因为他 我才会想拍电影,他是个很有力的人 呃 一个号召力很强的人,他就像从荧幕里跳了出来 触及你内心深处。