NPR边听边练22:chinatown 历经风雨,能否再见彩虹?
时间:2014-03-26 06:11:45
Milly Lee is a former librarian and grandmother. She grew up here in Chinatown. She is holding an intricately carved wooden
shrine1 about a foot and a half tall. Inside, there is a white
porcelain2 statue of a female
deity3, Kwan Yin, one who hears the cries of the world. Lee says it is one of the few possessions that her family saved as they --1-Chinatown after the earthquake and fire of April 18, 1906. "They knew what they must take when they left. And the other things were the ancestors' portraits. We have one here.”“…is my great grandmother.” “You see, on that morning, they took the frame of picture down and---2-- the picture of the ancestors. It was --3--with them.” Milly Lee's mother was eight years old at the time of the earthquake. “You know my mother never --4--and told us about the earthquake. We were on a camping trip, and my daughter…
2.rolled up
3.on the cart
4.sat down