时间:2014-03-26 06:19:54
___1___ this feeling: You notice some everyday phenomenon -- something that always happens -- and search for the word that defines it. Only to realize -- no such word exists. While word maven Barbara Wallraff
rustles1 up what she calls these "word
fugitives2" in her column in the The Atlantic Monthly. Her readers supply their ideas for word fugitives and the words thought.
For example, "My husband and I are in search of a word for the fear of throwing a party and having no one ___2___." "Oh, fatalism. Here's another. When I stand __3___, I always think the line next to me is moving faster. What's the word that describes my think?" "How about misalignment? What's the word that describes the process of going through the dirty clothes ___4___ to find something clean enough to wear?" "Dry leaning. What about a word for people who send e-mails, and then follow up saying: 'Did you get my e-mail message?'" That would be redundances. All ___5___ examples are in Barbara Wallraff's book Word Fugitives: In Pursuit of Wanted Words.
1. Haven't you known
2. show up
3. in line(排队)
4. hamper(有盖的大篮子)
5. those