华尔街的赚钱经 第53期:马云谈创业(1)
时间:2014-12-24 03:18:31
How I Did It: The Unlikely Rise of China's Hottest Internet Tycoon1
"I rode my bike for 40 minutes every morning to a hotel with a lot of foreign tourists. I showed them around and practiced my English. Those eight years deeply changed me."
Jack2 Ma hit pay dirt when his Chinese business-to-business Stavt-up, Alibaba.com, went public, in November, 2007. The offering raised more than $1.5 billion and gave the company a valuation of $26 billion. Ma, 43, grew up during China's Cultural Revolution. He taught himself English, then caught the Internet wave as China's economy opened in the 1990s. Today, Alibaba is China's largest B2B site and a favorite among American and European companies that are buying from Chinese suppliers. The site earned $39 million on revenues of $129 million in the first half of 2007. Ma has also taken Alibaba into search, engines through a
joint3 venture with Yahoo (NASDAO:YHOO), and his Taobao online
auction4 site has become bigger than eBay(NASDAO:EBAY) in China.
中国首家企业与企业间电子商务公司阿里巴巴网络有限公司于2007年11月挂牌上市,其创办者马云终获成功。本次上市融资超过15亿美元,并使得该公司市值达到260亿美元。43岁的马云在中国的文化大革命时期长大,他曾自学英语。恰逢20世纪90年代中国经济逐步开放,马云赶上了互联网时代兴起的大潮。如今,阿里巴巴网站已成为中国最大的企业间电子商务平台,并受到许多需要从中国供应商那里购买商品的欧美公司的青睐。该公司 2007年上半年总收入达到1.29亿美元,利润3,900万美元。马云还通过和雅虎进行战略合作(纳斯达克上市名称:YHOO),使得阿里巴巴进军搜索引擎领域。旗下的个人网上拍卖平台“淘宝网”在中国的规模也超过易趣网(纳斯达克上市名称EBAY)。