华尔街的赚钱经 第61期:隔夜快递之父(3)
时间:2015-01-20 07:23:54
Growing up in Memphis, Tennessee, Smith says, "I didn't know I wanted to go into business, but I knew I wanted a leadership position. That appealed to me."
At 15, he was operating a crop-duster over the flat fields of the Mississippi
Delta1.As a student at Yale University, he helped resurrect the Yale flying club; its alumni had populated
naval2 aviation history, including the famous "millionaires' unit" in World War I. Smith took care of the club's business and ran a small air-charter operation in New
With little time to study, his
scholastic4 performance suffered, but Smith never stopped looking for the "big idea."
He thought he had found it when he wrote a term paper for an economics class. He outlined an idea for a transportation company that would guarantee overnight delivery of small, time-sensitive goods一
replacement5 parts and medical supplies-to major U.S. cities. The professor was not impressed.
Smith was certain he was onto something, but it would be a while before he could turn his idea into reality.