双语趣听精彩世界 第180期:你的手机用的是土豪级套餐吗
时间:2015-08-07 07:50:47
Daily Mail: Families in the UK face a rip-off running to billions of pounds a year because mum, dad and the children are on the wrong
mobile1 phone contract.
Research by consumer champion suggests seven in ten people with a phone could save an average of ?159 (about 1,500 yuan) each by switching to a contract that better suits their needs.
For a family with four phones the annual rip-off could run to more than ?600 (about 5,700 yuan).
The problem occurs because many people are paying for packages of calls, texts and data that they do not use.
These problems are made worse by the fact that when these 24 month contracts come to an end, many people stick with their existing network and deal despite the fact there are cheaper options available.