历史上的今天-Today in History 2014-12-20
时间:2015-08-28 05:43:17
December 20th, 1803Ceremonies in New Orleans formally mark the completion of the Louisiana Purchase. The United States doubles in size as it gains ownership of the western half of Mississippi River basin which is bought from France.
1860 South Carolina becomes the first state to
secede1 from the Union, something other southern states to follow suit. The following year, the first shots of Civil War are fired in South Carolina at the battle of Fort Sumter.
1989The United States launches Operation Just Cause, sending troops into Panama to topple the government of General Manuel Noriega.
1999The Vermont
Supreme2 Court rules that homosexual couples are entitled to the same benefits and protections as married heterosexual couples .
1946 Help me, Clarence. Get me back. Get me back. I don't care what happens to me. Get me back to my wife and kids. Help me, Clarence, please. Please! I want to live again! I want to live again. I want to live again. Please, God, let me live again.
In New York, the preview charity is screaming of “It’s A Wonderful Life”, a day before its official world premiere. The Frank Capra film starring James Stewart and Donna Reed is now considered a holiday classic.
Today in History, December 20th. Sandy Kozel, the Associated Press.