
电影学口语 Lesson 18:[花木兰]A life for a life

时间:2007-03-26 16:00:00



Mulan: I can explain.
Shang: So it is true.
Mulan: Shang!
Shang: I knew there was something wrong with you.
A woman!Treacherous(背叛的) snake!
Mulan: My name is Mulan.I did it to save my father.
Shang: High treason(叛逆)!
Mulan: I did not mean for it to go this far.
Shang: Ultimate(最后的) dishonor(玷辱)!
Mulan: It was the only way.Please believe me.
Shang: Captain. Restrain(制止) him!
Together: No!
Shang: You know the law.
Captain: A life for a life.My debt is repaid1.

1) A life for a life. 一命还一命!
2) My debt is repaid. 我欠你的债还清了。
3) I did not mean for it to go this far. 我不是故意要这样的。
4) Ultimate dishonor! 真是奇耻大辱!
5) You know the law. 法律不可违抗。



1 repaid bee1dc3008a70a5156a1f3b5b63b298d     
v. 偿还, 报答 vbl. 偿还, 报答
  • The business quickly repaid the initial outlay on advertising. 这家公司很快偿付了初期的广告费。
  • She doesn't intend to be repaid to her kindness. 她不图回报她的好心。

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