
电影学口语 Lesson 28:[白雪公主]Have a bite

时间:2007-03-26 16:00:00



剪辑自《Snow White》白雪公主
Witch1: All alone, my pet?
Snow White: Why, why, yes, I am. But---
Witch: The ,the little men are not here?
Snow White: No, they are not, but---
Witch: Mm-hmm Making pies?
Snow White: Yes, gooseberry(醋栗) pies.
Witch: It is apple pies that make the menfolks’ mouths water. Pies made from apples like these.
Snow White: Oh, they do look delicious.
Witch: Yes! But wait till you taste one, dearie(宝贝). Like to try one? Hmm? Go on. Go on, have a bite.


1. All alone, my pet? 宝贝,就你一个人?
2. The little men are not here? 小矮人不在这里吗?
3. Making pies? 在做馅饼吗?
4. It is apple pies that make the menfolks’ mouths water. 这是让小矮人流口水的苹果派.
5. Have a bite. 咬一口.



1 witch nMvz2     
  • The witch changed the prince into a frog.巫婆把王子变成了青蛙。
  • The heartless witch cast a spell on the poor little girl.狠心的女巫对孤苦无助的小女孩施了妖术。

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