

时间:2016-01-15 03:12:09


  Myth #1: Napping is only for the lazy -- or those under 5.
  Fact: Around a third of American adults nap on the average day, LiveScience reported, and for good reason: A short snooze can boost everything from alertness and memory to creativity and productivity.
  Myth#2: If I take a nap, I'll only wake up feeling worse.
  Fact: How you feel after your snooze is probably a factor of how long you snoozed for. Experts generally agree that a nap should last no longer than 30 minutes. "If you take it longer than 30 minutes, you end up in deep sleep," sleep expert previously told HuffPost. Next time you're in the mood for a snooze, set your alarm for 20 to 30 minutes, tops.
  Myth#3: You definitely shouldn't nap at work.
  Fact: A handful of progressive companies have created special designated areas or rooms for afternoon naps as more and more employers come around to the idea that a well-restedworkforce is a more productive workforce. Really desperate? Take a snooze on your lunch break on a park bench or in your car.
  Myth#4: Coffee before a nap will keep me up.
  Fact: Believe it or not, there is such a thing as a caffeine nap. To do it right, enjoy that cup of coffee or tea, and then take your nap. As you sleep, the caffeine will begin to kick in (it reaches peak effectiveness about 30 minutes after you drink it), so that when you wake, you'll be feeling your most refreshed.
  Myth#5: I'll be more productive if I just finish this task, rather than waste time sleeping.
  Fact: "My research shows that people deteriorate during the day," sleep scientist Sara Mednick told Business Week. "It's difficult to sustain productivity." A nap can leave you feeling refreshed and more ready to tackle the task at hand -- and your employer should thank you for it, considering drowsiness costs the U.S. an estimated $18 billion a year in lost productivity, according to a 2001 study.
