【趣谈英语】婴儿首次看到的颜色是红色-Red is The First Colour A Baby Sees
时间:2016-02-14 05:34:04
Pre-Listening Vocabulary
fixated: visually attached to something
intimidate2: scare someone in order to achieve one’s goals
opponent: player one is up against
luxury: wealthy
Red is The First Colour a Baby Sees
Research suggests that red is the first colour that a baby sees. Does this mean that new parents should wear red to greet their newborns? Not exactly. Human babies don’t begin to differentiate colours until a few weeks after they are born. The first sign of this may be when a baby is fixated on something red. Studies suggest that humans continue to have a special reaction to the colour red throughout their lives. At a young age, children learn that red is a sign of
caution3 or danger. After all, red is the colour of blood as well as fire. Some athletes use red to intimidate their opponents. Tiger Woods wears red on the final day of his major golf tournaments. Is this because he wants to be fierce or because it’s his lucky colour? Historically, red has been associated with
royalty4 and luck. Red carpets are laid out for
celebrities5 and leaders before important events. Red carpets also line the entranceways to luxury hotels and restaurants. This may help guests feel more special. It may also help them spend more money. According to some studies, the colour red actually makes you hungry.