【趣谈英语】死海是湖不是海-The Dead Sea Is A Lake
时间:2016-02-22 05:48:20
Pre-Listening Vocabulary
surrounded: enclosed; to have something on all sides
outlet1: a means for going out or escaping
evaporate: to change from liquid into vapour
effortlessly: without trying hard
ingest: drink or eat
spa: health treatment using mineral waters
The Dead Sea Is A Lake
Did you know that the Dead Sea is
technically4 a lake? A lake is a body of water that is surrounded by land. The Dead Sea is surrounded by Israel, the West Bank, and Jordan. A lake can be made up of salt water or fresh water. The Dead Sea is famous for being one of the saltiest bodies of water in the world. Water enters the Dead Sea through local rivers and streams, but there is no outlet for it to drain out. The water evaporates quickly, which results in a high salt content. In fact, it is so high that people can float effortlessly when in the Dead Sea. While it is dangerous to ingest the water due to the dissolved mineral salts, it is a natural health spa for your skin. The salt is what gave this lake its name. Almost no life can survive in the water due to the salinity. The Dead Sea is also famous for its low elevation. The surface of the Dead Sea is about 400 meters below sea level.