关于报纸那些事:独立报停刊 欧美报纸科普
时间:2016-03-30 23:51:40
The final print edition of The Independent has been sent to press, as the title moves to a digital-only format1.
The paper's last front page features an exclusive story about a British connection in a plot to kill a Saudi King.
The Independent was launched by a group of journalists led by Andreas Whittam Smith in 1986. It enjoyed initial success rising to a circulation passing 400,000 by 1988, and claimed it was free from
proprietorial2 influence.
关于报纸那些事:独立报停刊 欧美报纸科普
The Independent On Sunday launched in 1990, with Stephen Glover as editor. The final Sunday edition was published last week.
The newspaper's final editorial said "history will judge" its "bold transition" to online media as "an example for other newspapers around the world to follow".
He concludes: "Today the presses have stopped, the ink is dry and the paper will soon crinkle no more. But as one chapter closes, another opens, and the spirit of The Independent will flourish still."Our work goes on, our mission endures, the war still rages, and the dream of our
founders3 shall never die."
《每日电讯报》The Daily Telegraph
《卫报》The Guardian
《金融时报》The Financial Times
《星期日电讯报》Sunday Dispatch
《观察家报》The Observer
《星期日泰晤士报》The Sunday Times