雅思口语:Describe one of your best friends
时间:2016-05-31 13:24:59
雅思考试一直是跟在热门话题的前沿,比如雅思写作雅思口语中的环保话题,就呼应了小李奥斯卡拿小金人的颁奖词。最近刮起一阵“怀旧风”,无论是影视作品,还是手机里的微信群,全都是缅怀青春,歌颂兄弟姐妹情谊的。基于“雅思素材,源于生活”的宗旨,嗯,我们把当年寝室跟我们最亲的那位搬出来跟雅思考官聊聊吧!对,就是那道Describe one of your best friends.
My college roommate Nancy is one of my best friends in my life. She's the oldest one in our dorm, so we all call her big sis. She's like, the most beautiful girl I've ever met. Her
sparkling1 eyes, and the
killer2 smile, really made a great first impression on me.
We met on the
Orientation3 Day. She was dressed in a white T-shirt and black shorts, which really brought out her slim figure. She sat next to me and seemed super friendly, so I just struck up a conversation with her. We really hit it off, I mean, we went on and on about our likes and dislikes, and it turned out, we
basically4 had the same interests! Like, we are both crazy about American TV
series5, and we both can't stand Korean soap operas. It really gave me a sense of belonging back then, to know that there's someone who can be my friend when I was in a
completely6 new environment.
We spent 4 years together, and she' like the sister I've never had. It seemed that she could read my mind and she was always able to finish my sentence. She was
thoughtful7 and always had my back. I just couldn't thank her enough for the things she's ever done for me.
And now she's married, and we haven't seen each other for like 2 years, 'cause we are both so tied up with work and study, but we
constantly8 chat on social networking websites, and she's still my BFF.
最后一段大家可以随意改动,根据自己的经历,你的傻大姐可以备考雅思出国深造了,可以国内继续读研了,可以结婚生子了,干啥了都成!总之你们还是stay in touch。
题外话:毕了业多跟老同学叙叙旧。Don't be a stranger.