时间:2016-07-27 00:08:33
How to fuck up your entire day(or life)in 5 simple steps五个会让你虚度人生的简单步骤:
Step1.Grab your dumb phone as soon as you wake up,before stretching and having a tall glass of water,and start looking at all the shit everyone else is doing in life to make themselves feel more important and posting it on their wall so this way you can start to feel
insignificant2 when your postings aren’t as exciting as theirs.(I suggest Instagram or Facebook to start).
Step2.Ask”why”.Stupid questions like “why am here”I will give you a hint...so you can die dumb-
ass1.Truth is no one but you asks why.Do something you have never done before,punch yourself in the face...as hard as you can...make your nose bleed...taste in the back of your throat.That is living and experiencing in the finest sense.If you have time to ask why ,you have time to punch yourself in the face.
Step3,Think that there is a purpose to your life.There is not.You are born,you will experience,you will die.Your friends are not here to
validate3 you,just to provide you with experiences.Your phone isn’t here to make you a better person,and in all possibility,it is probably the reason that you are having such a
miserable4 life.Get off that fucking thing,go outside and take a walk in the rain...No one has died from walking in the rain.
Step4.Keep collecting things.Things are like weights that weigh you down and keep you in the can’t.I would love to move but I can’t.I would love to travel but I have this house with all the stuff and I can’t.For everything you own,consider it a 250lb weight.Pair of extra shoes,500lbs.college degree,250lbs,extra pair of pants 250lbs,60 inch flatscreen LCD-250lbs.The more shit you own,the fatter you are.The less likely you can get out of bed and go to the gym because you have all these shit weighing you down.Fuck the
clutter5 and get rid of it,most or some.
Step5.Self doubt:”Am I good enough?”,”Am I
qualified6 enough for this job?”.”and I really the love of his/her life?”Doubting yourself for even one millisecond is an essential way to fuck up your day,your month and potentially even your life.This is the fastest way to kill yourself,your dreams,your family,your friends,any relationship you have ever had.Questioning is good:”what was James Brown second album?how was Prince influenced by James Brown?”Doubting is stupid.Self doubts are reasons your life suck goat balls.Live your life,accept your going to piss people off and say what you feel.Never ever doubt yourself and if you do ,punch yourself in said face.
Wake up.kick ass and be
awesome7.sleep and repeat.