时间:2016-08-17 23:53:45
VI. Nuclear Emergency Preparedness Exercises,Drills, Training and Public Communication核应急演习演练、培训与公众沟通
China attaches great importance to nuclearemergency preparedness exercises, drills, trainingand public communication, and continuous effortshave been made to enhance the
capabilities1 ofnuclear emergency preparedness organizations atvarious levels to cope with nuclear accidents,popularize knowledge of nuclear safety andemergency preparedness, create an environment
conducive2 to facilitating nuclear energydevelopment and build society-wide confidence in the country's nuclear energy
Organizing nuclear emergency preparedness exercises. The policies and principles, organization,formats, classifications, frequency, safeguard preparation and
implementation4 proceduresfor China's nuclear emergency preparedness have been clearly defined in such documents asRegulations on Emergency Measures for Nuclear Accidents at Nuclear Power Plants, ContingencyMeasures for Unexpected Events, Guideline on Emergency Exercises for Unexpected Events andRegulations on Nuclear Emergency Preparedness Exercises. To
cater5 to the needs of nuclearenergy development, national-level nuclear emergency preparedness
joint6 exercises shall beconducted on a regular basis;
provincial7-level on-site and off-site joint exercises for nuclearemergency preparedness shall be conducted once every two to four years by the relevantprovinces (autonomous regions or centrally administered municipalities); operators of nuclearinstallations shall conduct comprehensive exercises once every two years and specialexercises for different purposes every year, with higher frequency for those which have threeor more generating units. Prior to the initial fuel loading, an on-site and off-site joint exerciseshall be organized by the provincial-level nuclear emergency management organizationwhere the relevant nuclear power plant is located. National-level nuclear emergency jointexercises with the code names "Shendun-2009" and "Shendun-2015" have been conducted andobserved by officials and experts from Japan, ROK, France, Pakistan and the IAEA, involving theparticipation of about 6,000 persons on the two occasions.
Establishing a three-level nuclear emergency preparedness training system. The state nuclearemergency preparedness management organization shall be in charge of training for nation-wide nuclear emergency preparedness management personnel; nuclear emergencypreparedness management organizations at the provincial (regional and municipal) level shallbe in charge of training for nuclear emergency preparedness personnel within their respectivejurisdictions; operators of nuclear installations shall be in charge of providing professionalskills training for their own staff in the field of nuclear emergency preparedness. Since theFukushima accident, China has organized more than 110 training sessions for different levelsof nuclear emergency preparedness organizations, attended by a total of 10,000 people. China'snuclear emergency preparedness management personnel and technical professionals have allattended nuclear emergency preparedness trainings of different levels and disciplines.
Reinforcing public communication and information disclosure about nuclear emergencypreparedness. China attaches great importance to public communication and informationdisclosure regarding nuclear emergency preparedness by developing relevant regulations onthe principles of transparency, objectivity, trustworthiness and scientific accuracy. Eachlevel of nuclear emergency preparedness organization has established a special nuclearemergency preparedness
publicity8 team to publicize national policies on nuclear energy,nuclear safety and nuclear emergency preparedness to the public and to enhancetransparency of nuclear energy development to ensure the public's right to supervise nuclearsafety and access to information on nuclear emergency preparedness and response. Since2013 a number of nationwide nuclear emergency preparedness publicity activities with thetheme "Joining Efforts to Establish
Defense9 on Nuclear Emergency and for Nuclear Safety, andto Foster the Scientific Development of Nuclear EnergySector" have been held, arousingextensive attention both at home and abroad. In January 2015 publicity activities targetingdomestic and foreign audiences were successively conducted by nuclear-relatedorganizations to mark the 60th anniversary of the launch of China's nuclear industry. InDecember 2015 the domestic and foreign media were invited to visit Chinese nuclear powerenterprises for the well-received campaign "Boosting Nuclear Energy Development for the OneBelt and One Road Initiative," showcasing to Chinese audience the advanced nature of China'snuclear power technology, the safety and
reliability10 of nuclear power,
standardization11 ofnuclear power management and adequacy of nuclear emergency preparedness, producingpositive social
repercussions12. Nuclear-related enterprises, universities and colleges, andrelevant organizations have conducted a variety of publicity activities in relation to thepopularization of nuclear-related scientific knowledge in a bid to foster an atmosphereconducive to the safe and efficient development of nuclear energy.
As the Hong Kong and Macao special
administrative13 regions (SAR) are adjacent to GuangdongProvince, the public in Hong Kong and Macao pay close attention to the nuclear energydevelopment in China's mainland. Since 1992 Guangdong Province and the Hong Kong SARhave reached
consensus14 on a number of issues in relation to nuclear emergency preparednessassociated with the Daya Bay and Ling Ao nuclear power plants in Guangdong. The statenuclear emergency management organ has, on more than one occasion, organized promotionalactivities in conjunction with Guangdong Province and the Hong Kong SAR to further enrichthe contents of their collaborative
mechanism15 on nuclear emergency preparedness, refinethe communication platform for nuclear emergency preparedness between Guangdong andHong Kong, and respond to public concerns in a timely manner to
allay16 any
misgivings17. Therelevant departments of the central government have held special training sessions focusing onvarious disciplines in conjunction with the departments concerned of Hong Kong and MacaoSAR governments with a view to raising the professional level of the local public, thereforecontributing
positively18 to maintaining the prosperity and stability of both Hong Kong andMacao.
As the safe use of nuclear energy is a major issue bearing on the safety of both life andproperty of people across the Taiwan Straits, both sides of the Straits lay great store by it. InOctober 2011 the Association for Relations across the Taiwan Straits and Straits ExchangeFoundation signed the Cross-straits Nuclear Power Safety Cooperation Agreement. Under theframework of this agreement, a communication mechanism has been put in place betweenthe two sides across the Straits on nuclear emergency matters, and positive achievements havereaped in expanded exchange and cooperation in such areas as regulations and standardsconcerning nuclear power safety, emergency reporting on nuclear power plant accidents,environmental radiation monitoring for nuclear power plants, and emergency response andpreparations for nuclear power plant accidents.
VII. Scientific and
Technological19 Innovations in Nuclear Emergency Preparedness七、核应急科技创新
China has worked out a national plan for nuclear emergency preparedness work, which hasclearly defined the targets, mechanism, training of professionals, main tasks and safeguardmeasures for scientific and technological innovation in the field of nuclear emergencypreparedness. New achievements have been made, and some of them have even reached theinternational advanced level.
Development of nuclear accident consequence
evaluation20 and decision-making supportsystem. By insisting on the combination of technology introduction and self-reliantinnovations, China's relevant universities and R&D institutes have made achievements insuch technological areas as accident source term estimation, wind field
diagnosis21 and forecast,airborne radioactive material dispersion, radioactive material dispersion in water bodies, nuclearradiation medicine emergency classification and treatment, radioactive dose estimation,etc., which have provided technical support for the state in decision making related tonational nuclear emergency preparedness.
Basic research in nuclear emergency preparedness. Research in nuclear emergencypreparedness technologies and management for third and fourth generation of nuclear powertechnologies, such as HPR1000, AP1000 (US Advanced Pressurized Water Reactor), EPR(European Pressurized Water Reactor), High Temperature Gas-cooled
Reactors22 and fast reactorshas been carried out. Studies are continuing on important subjects such as simultaneouscommon-mode failure for multiple units, severe accident source term analysis for inlandnuclear power plants, inter-regional nuclear emergency preparedness, nuclear fuel cycle facilityemergency preparedness and emergency response to nuclear and radiological terrorist attacks,and some achievements have been made, uplifting as a whole the level of China's basictechnologies concerning nuclear emergency preparedness.
Research and development of nuclear emergency special equipment. Priority is given to theR&D (research and development) and SI (system
integration23) of equipment for nuclearemergency radiation monitoring, radiation protection, medical treatment anddecontamination. Independently developed equipment includes vehicle (vessel)-mounteddetection equipment, aviation radiation monitoring system, radiation monitoring andaccident response robots and vehicle (vessel)-mounted nuclear emergency commandsystem, and nuclear emergency medical assorting and monitoring platform and medicalsupport system. Each level of nuclear emergency rescue team is equipped with such equipmentand systems. All gate-frame walk-through radiation
detectors24 used by China Customs aredeveloped by domestic enterprises.
Research in nuclear emergency preparedness information technology. Studies on thestandardization of nuclear emergency preparedness data collection and transfer have beenconducted, and a nationwide nuclear emergency preparedness resources management systemhas been established and efforts are constantly made to improve it. Development of a nuclearemergency preparedness information system,
innovative25 modularization of nuclear emergencypreparedness plan, automation of response process,
visualization26 of organization andcommand and
auxiliary27 scientific decision-making have led to the integration of routinemanagement with emergency response, which has also helped enhance nuclear emergencypreparedness response capabilities and organizational efficiency.
Research in nuclear emergency preparedness medical treatment technology. Research on thetechnology of diagnosis and treatment for acute radiation injuries has been carried out, andguidelines for diagnosis, treatment and rescue for acute radiation injuries have beendeveloped. Key technical and promotional application research in unexpected nuclearradiation events has resulted in the development of methods for rapid biological doseassessment for nuclear radiation accidents applicable for the general public, which hashelped
optimize28 non-myeloablative stem cells and mesenchymal stem cells (MSC) combinedtransplantation treatment for severe and extremely severe bone
marrow29 acute radiationpatients. A number of breakthroughs in the treatment of radiation diseases have beenachieved, leading to a reduction of casualties of nuclear radiation accidents to the maximumextent. With primary and clinical research on the treatment of radiation injuries by use ofmesenchymal stem cells, a new therapy using transplantation of combined MSC andhematopoietic stem cells for severe radiation sickness has been created. The researchachievement "Establishment and Application to Treat Radiation Diseases by Using SomaticStem Cells" won a first prize for national science and technology improvement. A "three-levelhandling and four-level treatment" systemized nuclear emergency medical rescue capabilitiesdevelopment model has been developed by China's military medical research organizations.
Research in public risk communication and psychological assistance. Research in masspsychological assistance techniques under circumstances of unexpected event (accident)has been conducted, and relevant psychological
intervention30 models have beenestablished, and countermeasures,
criteria31 and implementation guidelines have beenproposed. In view of the characteristics of nuclear radiation, Q&A publications inrelation to nuclear accident protection and
applied32 books on medical countermeasures in caseof nuclear and radiological accidents geared toward the public have been compiled.
Innovative research in nuclear emergency environmental meteorology. A numericalprediction system of China's meteorological environmental emergency response is beingdeveloped and improved. Following the upgrading of the meteorological service system fornuclear and
hazardous33 chemicals
leakage34 and improvement of
atmospheric35 dispersionmodeling by way of technology import and self-reliant R&D, the global mode resolutionhas been enhanced to 30km from about 85km, and medium-scale model resolution has beenenhanced to 10km from 15km, realizing a more
detailed36 and precise simulation andprediction of
pollutant37 dispersion.