时间:2016-09-06 06:07:41
One of my favorite hobbies is backcountry hiking---through areas that people seldom visit. However, before I go hiking, I make sure to have all of the proper
gear1 for the adventure. First of all, I wear proper clothing and hiking shoes for the current weather conditions. This might include taking water shoes if I have plans for hiking through streams and rivers or a reliable jacket to keep you warm. Next, I let my family and friends know where I will be going and when I will return. Also, I carry a compass and GPS unit to
navigate2 and locate my position. I carry a topographical map with me as well. In addition to these items, I take plenty of food and water, and I also pack a water filter to
purify3 any water I find in streams or lakes. Finally, I always pack emergency supplies including a
lighter4, emergency blanket, a signaling device like a mirror, and cellphone. You never know when you will need these things.