经济学人:联合抗击恐怖主义 法国却唱起了"独角戏"
时间:2016-10-19 02:51:26
France, Africa and terrorism
An African journey
The French government has new African worries in the Sahel
Hollande with rare new friend
It is a
rite1 of passage for every new French president to head to French-speaking Africa and reaffirm faith in la Francophonie. So it was with Francois Hollande, who has just visited Senegal and the Democratic Republic of Congo. Like his
predecessor2, Nicolas Sarkozy, he said “francafrique”—the
cosy3 post-colonial ties of party financing, arms, contracts and influence—was over and that human rights were
paramount4. He praised the shared use of French, “language of liberty”. But behind the warm words lie grimmer concerns, the biggest being the
entrenchment5 of terror networks in the al-Qaeda-held Sahel.
Islamist fighters tied to al-Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb (AQIM) have ruled a big swathe of northern Mali since March, dividing the country in two. In the far north extreme sharia law is being
applied6. Mr Hollande
spoke7 in Senegal of “a
reign8 of terror” in Mali, with “hands cut off, women
raped9 and an area awash with weapons”. There are also two French hostages in Mali, whose families the president has just met in Paris, as well as four in Niger.
Despite France’s
reluctance10 to play post-colonial
gendarme11, Mr Hollande is starting to sound tougher on Mali. During his African trip, he tried to rally regional leaders to the cause. Manuel Valls, the interior minister, visited Algeria to narrow differences. France drafted a UN Security Council resolution, unanimously adopted on October 12th, that authorises the dispatch of an African force to retake rebel-held territory in Mali. Jean-Yves Le Drian, the French defence minister, says such a force could be ready “within weeks”.
Yet his enthusiasm may be
overdone12. The plan is that a force would be made up of troops from Mali and other countries in the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS). But, even if willing ones can be lined up, regional forces do not have the capacity to mount an offensive operation without logistical and intelligence support. The French are ready to contribute, but have ruled out sending in ground troops. Although the European Union says it will send trainers under an EU flag, the Americans are reluctant to get involved.
France’s anxiety is that, if nothing is done, the Sahel might become a
crucible13 for Islamist terrorism. “What makes people very nervous is the idea that it will become Africa’s Afghanistan,” says Francois Heisbourg of the Foundation for Strategic Research, a think-tank. France, with its colonial history and commercial ties, is an obvious target. One Malian Islamist group has
explicitly14 threatened Mr Hollande since his push for military action, and said that French hostages are in greater danger.
As it is, France is already
fretting15 about terrorist threats. Although there is no direct link to AQIM, French police
dismantled16 an Islamist cell in France earlier this month, arresting 12 suspects and shooting one dead. Two were wanted in connection with an attack on a kosher grocer in a Paris suburb last month, which
rattled17 France’s big Jewish population. Seven have been charged with terrorist offences.
Francois Molins, the Paris public
prosecutor18, called the cell “extremely dangerous”. Some suspects were French converts to Islam. The threat is “increasingly coming from within”, Mr Valls told the Senate, adding that radicalisation can take a matter of months. The country was shocked earlier this year when seven people, including three Jewish children and a rabbi, were shot dead in Toulouse by a French Islamist who claimed to have been trained by al-Qaeda. The surveillance of
radicals19 has been stepped up. Mr Valls is putting a law before parliament to give the police new powers to pursue French nationals abroad suspected of links to terrorism or of attending foreign training camps. With or without a French-backed operation in Mali, France is on high alert.