时间:2016-11-29 03:02:48
HADDOCK:Billions of...
TINTIN:Could you please keep quiet,alright? It's OK.Everything's fine.
HADDOCK:Who are you?
TINTIN:Uh me? No-one! Don't mind me.I'm already gone!
ALLAN:Were you talking to someone,Captain?
HADDOCK:Err? No,no-one.
ALLAN:So Captain? What's all this _(1)_ about then?
HADDOCK:ALLAN!I'm sick of being holed up in here!
ALLAN:What's wrong? You've got a nice cabin.
HADDOCK:I'm holded up in the hold and what I want is my boat back.MY boat.
ALLAN:I don't think that's a good idea.
HADDOCK:But I'M the Captain!
ALLAN:Sure you are...But you know full well...
ALLAN:Your family has never been very good with ships.And we know why.
HADDOCK:Argh...The _(2)_.
ALLAN:Precisely.Listen,the ship's in good hands with me.But you'll get it back soon.I just need the helm for this little operation.Listen!I was just saying to Tim...I was telling Tim...That we need you.There you go:red is for
longitude1,blue for
ALLAN:Be a sport and calculate our heading for the next two hours,eh?
HADDOCK:You think I'm a fool!Scoundrel!Imposter!
ALLAN:Have fun now.I've got ____(3)____.
HADDOCK:What sort of passenger?
ALLAN:An unwelcome one..Remember:Red for latitude.Blue for longitude.
JESSE:But,you said the opposite chief...
ALLAN:Uuh..go make a plank,then walk it.
TINTIN:Who was that?Was it Allan? Where was he going?
HADDOCK:Erm..Up top.To the wheelhouse!In the control room.
TINTIN:Is it true that you're the Captain of the ship?