时间:2016-12-02 03:01:47
Max: Man, Nathan Prescott is messed up. And dangerous... This day never ends...
Chole: "Oh, and thanks, Chloe!" After five years you're still Max Caulfield. Don't give me the guilty face. At least pretend you're ___(1)___.
Max: I am seriously glad to see you. Oh, and thanks, Chloe. It makes perfect sense I'd see you today.
Chloe: Yes, it's been that kind of day. So what did that freak want with you?
Max: I have no idea. I know he's a Prescott.
Chloe: And an asshole. Your friend really stood up for you...
Max: Warren? Yeah, I owe him big time.
Chloe: You're not the only one in debt, and you're already causing trouble.
Max: I thought it would be quiet here. Feels so
weird1 to be back.
Chloe: So I guess Seattle sucked hard?
Max: I guess. It was cool but... I felt kinda lonely, __(2)__.
Chloe: I would think you'd fit right in with the art school hipsters...
Max: Right. You look like the cover of Hipster Girl dot com.
Chloe: At least you're still a smartass.
Max: That's why I'm here.
Chloe: Please, girl. You came back for Blackwell
Max: Of course. It's one of the best photography programs in the country... and my favorite teacher, Mark Jefferson.
Chloe: So you came back to Arcadia for a teacher... not your best friend.
Max: Don't you think I'm happy to see you?
Chloe: No. You were happy to wait five years without a call, or even a _(3)_.
Max: I'm sorry. I know things were tough on you when I left.
Chloe: How do you know? You weren't even here.
Max: I didn't order my parents to move
specifically3 to fuck you over, Chloe.
Chloe: You've been at Blackwell for almost a month without letting me know. 'Nuff said.
Max: I just want to settle in first and not be such a shy
cliche4 geek. I totally would have contacted you...
Chloe: I
bet5 you don't use these sad excuses on Mr. Jefferson... Don't use them on me, Max.
Max: Broken.Oh man, are you
Chloe: Wow, haven't heard that one in a while...
Max: Not everything changes. Except my camera has officially taken a shit.
Chloe: My step-douche has a boatload of tools. Maybe you can fix it in my place...
Max: I need very specific tiny tools.
Chloe: Nerd ! My stepdad has a
fully7 stocked8 _(4)_. And he actually is a tiny tool. Welcome home, Max.