时间:2016-12-02 06:09:22
Max: Are you shitting me?
Chloe: Dude, hide! Like when we were kids!
Max: We are so invisible!
Max: Wait, turn around, they are coming! We have to find another way out!
Chloe: This is bullshit. You can't go back to your dorm now, you're a Blackwell _(1)_ ! Crash at my place tonight.
Max: You want me to crash where the Blackwell security officer lives so I'll be safe? Okay!
Chloe: Into the car! Get in! Hahaha! Later, fuckers! Max, you rock! We are so fucking
Max: Yes, we so are...
Max: Always remember this moment...
Chloe: Photobomb!
Max: Photo-hog! It feels like a different world from yesterday...
Chloe: We left a kid mark on Blackwell last night.
Max: Like it needs another one. I'd like to do something good for my school and Arcadia Bay. I can't even submit my photo to represent... I just don't want to be rejected.
Chloe: ________(2)________ . So you have to enter a photo.
Max: Even though I'm pimping the school and town you want to torch?
Chloe: Come on, I don't want to see Arcadia Bay burned to the shore, I just say shit like that because I've been trying to get out of here since--since you left, basically. If I could find Rachel, then pay Frank off, I'm still leaving to start a whole new life...
Max: Wish we could just hang out all morning like we used to... Maybe we should get up, I have to get back to Blackwell soon.
Chloe: Oh, does the schoolgirl have a test today?
Max: I'm starting to feel like going to Blackwell every day is a test. I just need to get on my regular school schedule again.