时间:2016-12-02 06:12:27
David: Nice breakfast.
Joyce: David, you're back already?
David: I have to ___(1)___ after writing up vandalism reports last night.
Joyce: What happened?
David: Some little shitass punks broke in to the swimming pool. This is what happens at these P.C. bullshit colleges. Entitled students taking over the campus!
Joyce: Do you know for sure it was Blackwell students?
David: Who else would do it? And I'm going to
bust1 them. Figures you'd be here. Is that your Rachel
Amber2 Halloween costume?
Max: You know more about her than me!
David: No, you and Chloe think you know more than anybody. Like all teenagers.
Joyce: Leave Max alone, David. Stop threatening students.
Chloe: He threatens them with _(2)_ cameras. So he can spy on everybody... like he spies on all of us here.
David: Don't start, Chloe. Not now.
Chloe: Yeah, I'm just always starting shit, right? You're a total paranoid, David.
David: Not. Now. Chloe.
Chloe: You used to call me a loser for getting kicked out of Blackwell... So who's the loser now, David? Who haven't you accused or
harassed3? Between your
investigations4 into Rachel and Kate, what have you done besides get in troubles.