奥巴马最后1次在白宫过圣诞 献声歌唱秀恩爱
时间:2016-12-06 00:01:23
Barack Obama lit the National Christmas Tree at the White House for the eighth and final time as president on last Thursday night.
Obama was joined by wife Michelle and their younger daughter Sasha, 15, for the 94th annual National Christmas Tree
Lighting1 on the Ellipse, the public park located south of the White House fence.
奥巴马最后1次在白宫过圣诞 献声歌唱秀恩爱
The First Family was
notably2 missing older daughter Malia, who is currently taking a gap year before starting Harvard next fall. The 18-year-old also skipped out on her father's final turkey pardoning ceremony.
Clarkson kicked off the event with 'Please Come Home For Christmas', a holiday song
dedicated3 to Americans fighting overseas.
Obama, Michelle and Sasha took the stage after a performance by Kelly Clarkson, counting down from five with the enthusiastic crowd before pressing a button that lit up the tree with twinkling red, white and blue lights.
'To everybody who’s here tonight and everybody watching at home, it is now officially the time to light this tree!' Obama told the crowd.
Obama has seen the National Christmas Tree change three times during his two-term
A tree that had been used in the ceremony for three decades was knocked down during bad weather. Its
replacement5 was lit in 2011 before dying just months later from transplant shock.
On Thursday the First Family lit the Colorado blue spruce tree, which has been used in the annual ceremony since it was planted on the Ellipse in 2012.