时间:2016-12-08 06:54:32
From great suffering, came a solution, communities.
You know how to fly those?
Do you get to fly that to the edge?
Oh, yeah!
What's past there?
I don't know. We're not allowed to fly past that.
Let's go.
It is against the rules, Jonas.
They're called books.
Hello, my name is...
I know who you are.
Who are you?
The Giver. When the Elders need guidance, I provide the wisdom, using memories of the past.
Our world was different. There was more.
Much more.
You'll see them all in time. All colors. All differences.
___________2__________. Those morning
injections2 take them away!
When people have the freedom to choose, they choose wrong.
Tomorrow morning, skip your
injection1. I have been doing it for months.
What do you feel?
He is not usually like this.
I'm surprised you're not more worried about him. I would be.
Bring up Jonas' activity.
You should know better than anyone.
The way things look, and the way things are, are very different.
That's my father.
There's no way for me to prepare you for the truth.
He killed him.
The young and the old are killed.
For the good of all of us.
There're things you don't know.
You're scaring me.
Go back to your family unit.
It isn't my family, and neither is yours.
Jonas has become dangerous.
I know that there's something more. Something that has been stolen.
There has to be a way to show them.
You can stop this. You can change things.
I want you to find him, and then I want you to lose him.