时间:2016-12-08 06:58:02
No. Grandpa Palmer is dead to me. It's like ______2______ .
Sounds complicated. I should go with you.
Trust me, nobody wants to go to Carlinville, Indiana.
Oh, God. Here we go.
We can barely stand the sight of each other.
Hank, thanks for coming.
I'm sure your mother would have appreciated it.
Hank Palmer.
Sheriff White. It's regarding your father.
Biggest mistake of your career and you just happen to run him over?
Forensics found traces of blood on your dad's car.
I sat on the bench of that courtroom for 42 years.
This was an accident, period.
There is no "we" here, Henry. I wish I liked you more.
I can't stay.
You're a lawyer, he's your father.
You leave now, you'll regret it.
You're ________3_________, Mr Palmer. I'm gonna
impale2 your client on a first degree murder charge. And you'll get a front row sit.
My father is a lot of unpleasant things. Murderer is not one of them.
I have memories of us. Then I don't. Why?
Was I tough on you? Yes! I did what I thought was right.
In my experience, Hank, sometimes you've got to forgive in order to be forgiven.
You and I are finally done.
Oh, we're not done.