时间:2016-12-12 06:55:03
Dr. Storm, we gave you six years and millions of dollars, and you gave us nothing.
What's different now?
He knows answers to questions we don't even know to ask yet.
This is our chance to learn more about our planet and maybe even save it.
I want you to meet my daughter
- You wanna be famous? - I just want my work to make a difference.
- Johnny Reed. - This guy doesn't take orders well.
Yes, especially from people who say I don't take orders well.
Don't let any of these lab coats give you any crap, alright?
Well, if they do, I know who to call. The Muscle.
- I gotta say it's fun having you here. - Really? - No.
You guys are sure you are _____1________ to be doing this?
- Yeah. - We're good.
They _____2_______.
All I wanna know is where are my children.
Four have survived.
All exhibit unique physical conditions.
- I Just wanna fix my friends. - You can't fix this.
We should use these powers to help people.
You opened a door you don't know how to close.
You don't know anything about what's coming.
What is coming?
If you want to stop him, it's gonna take everything you have.
- How long until he's in? - Two minutes.
Might be a little less.