时间:2016-12-12 07:00:45
You've been selected for a mission which you are not to discuss with anyone outside of this room.
We are engaged in a war with the
Soviet1 Union.
This war does not, for the moment, involve men in arms.
It involves information.
- Something important has come up. - We've got a Soviet spy.
But there's a ____1_____.
They got our _____2___________.
The Russians want their man back before he cracks.
We want you to negotiate the
I'm an insurance lawyer.
Not sure I want to pick that up.
Are you good at what you do?
This will be a first for the both of us.
You should be careful.
I'm talking to you about the security of your country.
- Why aren't we hanging him? - He's a spy!
You're asking me to violate the Constitution.
Do you know how people will look at us?
The family of a man trying to free a
Every person matters.
If things go south, you can't rely on any help.
Just tell me that you're not going to be in any danger.
I don't even care if it's the truth. Give me something to hold onto.
We need to have the conversation our governments can't.
People in my country consider this an act of war.
You can call it what you want. Let's be clear.
Nobody is safe.
We're in a battle for civilization.
The Constitution. It's what makes us Americans.
Shouldn't we show our enemy who we are?
Things have started to fall apart.
Is this your position or your government's?
Is there any outcome here where ______3_______?
Do we need to worry about you?
What's the move when you don't know what the game is?
The next mistake our countries make could be the last one.