时间:2016-12-12 07:15:41
I know who I am.
When we are finished with you, you will no long be yourself.
I remember.
I remember everything.
Remembering everything doesn't mean you know everything.
Tell me.
_________1________, could be worst than Snowden.
______2_________ got a hit.
Christ1, that's Jason Bourne!
Why would he come back now?
I think she'll use it as cover.
They tracked you, we've gotta move.
He's seen things.
He knows things.
What if he's not coming for us?
What if it's something else?
I volunteered because of a lie.
This is Jason Bourne.
I need to talk.
32 kills.
People are safer because of what you did.
You're never gonna find any peace.
Not till you admit to yourself who you really are.