英语学习乐园:For sale
时间:2016-12-20 02:50:07
Goodafternoon. I believe that this house is for sale.
May I have alook at it, please?
Yes, ofcourse. Come in.
How longhave you lived here?
I've livedhere for twenty years.
Twentyyears! That's a long time.
Yes, I'vebeen here since 1976.
Then why doyou want to well it?
Because I'vejust
retired1. I want to buy a small house in the country.
How muchdoes this house cost?
That's a lotof money!
Well, I likethe house, but I can't decide yet. My wife must see it first.
Women alwayshave the last word.
believe v. 相信,认为
may modalverb (用于请求许可)可以
how long 多长
since prep. 自从
why adv. 为什么
sell v. 卖,出售
becauseconj. 因为
retire v. 退休
cost v. 花费
pound n. 英镑
worth prep. 值……钱
penny n. 便士
believe +that 从句(宾语从句)
动词/介词 + 宾语(名词,代词)
be + adj. +that 从句
e.g. I amafraid I can't come tomorrow.
believe in sb. 信任某人
trust 信任(侧重于信任某人的能力)
belief n. (某人的)信仰,信条
在现在完成时中,表示时间的词 since,for
since + 时间点/for + 时间段