时间:2017-02-28 02:48:41
The idea behind the words “We the people” is one of the most important ones in a
democracy1. A democracy is a government where the citizens (the people who are part of a country) vote for and elect (or choose) the people who will govern (or lead and make decisions for) them. The United States has a representative democracy, which means that citizens vote for people who then represent them in the government, making laws and decisions that reflect (or are the same as) what the citizens want.
These first three words of the Constitution, “We the people,” also tell us about the main difference between the United States and the European countries that most of the United States’ first citizens came from. Back in the 1700s, countries like England and France, where many of the first Americans came from, were ruled by a
monarch2 (or a king). These
monarchs3 usually
inherited4 their power (or received it because one of their relatives had been a ruler or a king and then died) and often made decisions that their citizens did not like. One of the reasons that the American
colonists5 (or the people who moved to the new country) fought the Revolutionary War to get their independence from Great Britain was because the colonists felt that the English king, George III, was treating them badly. Americans said that they were
fighting the Revolutionary War for the right to self-government, or to have the ability to create their own government and elect their own officials or leaders.
The authors (or writers) of the Constitution were not writing it for just themselves. The writers of the Constitution wrote it on
behalf6 of (or in the name of) all Americans. This is because they believed that for a government to be fair, it would have to be made by the people (that is, elected by citizens) and for the people, meaning doing things for the good of all citizens, not just a few.
The idea of self-government is in the first three words of the Constitution. What are these words?
We the People