时间:2017-03-01 04:12:34
In Study, Past Decade Ranks Among Hottest
New research suggests average global temperatures were higher in the past decade than over most of the previous 11,300 years, a finding that offers a long-term context for assessing modern-day climate change.
The study, published Thursday in the journal Science, aims to give a global
overview1 of Earth's temperatures over the past 11,300 years─a
relatively2 balmy period known as the Holocene that began after the last major ice age ended and
encompasses3 all of recorded human civilization.
The research shows that a one-degree temperature variation that took 11
millennia4 to occur since the end of the last major ice age has been
replicated5 in the 150 years since the early days of the Industrial Revolution.
Within that framework, the decade 2000-2009 was one of the warmest since modern record-keeping began, but global mean temperatures didn't
breach6 the levels of the early Holocene. Now they are on track to do so, according to the Science paper. If the scientists' forecasts are correct, the planet will be warmer in 2100 than it has been for 11,300 years.
The study, conducted by researchers from Oregon State University and Harvard University and funded by the U.S. National Science Foundation, also looks to shed light on a crucial question: Is the
spike7 in global temperature recorded in the past 150 years unusual─the result of greenhouse-gas
emissions8 from human activity─or can it be explained as part of natural, long-term variations in temperature?
上述研究由俄勒冈州立大学(Oregon State University)和哈佛大学(Harvard University)的研究人员进行,由美国国家科学基金会(National Science Foundation)出资完成。该研究还试图解释一个关键的问题:过去150年发生的全球变暖,是人类活动产生的温室气体排放引发的非正常变化,还是地球温度长期自然变化的一部分?
The study points to human activity as the cause, because the suddenness of the shift in temperature appears to be out of
whack9 with long-term trends.
'What's different is the rate of change,' said Shaun Marcott, a paleoclimatologist at Oregon State and lead author of the paper. 'What we've seen over the past 150 years is much greater than anything we saw in the past 11,000 years.'
俄勒冈州立大学的古气候学家马科特(Shaun Marcott)说,关键在于变化的幅度。过去150年的变化比过去11,000年的任何变化都更加剧烈。
The task of estimating Earth's ancient climate, a discipline known as paleoclimatology, is a challenging one. It relies on
proxy10 measurements taken from things such as
marine11 fossils or ice cores that offer a physical record of past temperature. For example, as part of the process, scientists grow the marine organisms under varying temperatures, and link changes in their shells' chemical signature to different water temperatures. That data can then be used to study marine fossils. To confirm a finding, researchers typically check to see whether temperature records
derived12 from one source match those derived from other, unrelated sources, such as ice cores.
The new data may become another flash point in the debate over the cause of rising temperatures. Many scientists blame increased emissions of greenhouse gases such as carbon dioxide, or CO2. Others disagree, contending that natural factors, such as an increase in cloud cover, are at play.