

时间:2017-03-30 05:11:49




Yvonne: Welcome to 6 Minute English! I’m Yvonne Archer1 – and Kate, thanks for joining

me today.

Kate: You’re welcome, Yvonne!

Yvonne: Now, as the wedding season comes to an end, many newly-weds – people who just

got married - will be thinking about money. So, as well as the money they received

as gifts, they’ll be thinking about how to pay back all the money they probably

borrowed. Kate, how much money do you think most people spend on a wedding?

Kate: Umm – well I've heard that it's even up to about £20,000.

Yvonne: Well, the average cost has gone up so a wedding this year is actually over £21, 000

Kate: Wow – that's just so much money!

Yvonne: But weddings aren’t only expensive for the bride and groom2 – the man and woman

who get married; their guests often have to spend quite a lot too. And that leads us

to today's question. Kate, on average, how much money does a guest spend to go

to a friend’s wedding? Is it…


a: £120

b: £240 or

c: £380


Kate: Oh, that's a really good question because the weddings that I've been to, I've

always ended up spending loads of money. So I'm going to go for b) £380.


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Yvonne: Okay, we'll find out whether you're right later on.

So, apart from a gift, something to wear, travelling to the wedding and perhaps

accommodation – somewhere to stay – wedding guests often spend money on ‘a

stag night’ or ‘a hen night’. But what are they? Kate, can you explain them for us,


Kate: Well, ‘a stag night’ is an opportunity for the man and his male friends to have a

party for the last time before he gets married. The woman has ‘a hen party’ with

all her female4 friends for the same reason. And sometimes at a stag night or at a

hen night, people do things that they probably won’t do once they’re married.

Yvonne: Yes - and we’ll leave it there, shall we?! Now those events are sometimes called ‘a

stag do’ and ‘a hen do’, because the party often lasts for more than one evening.

Our colleague Emily is getting married soon and she told me that for her hen party,

she’s simply going out for a nice meal. But, that’s not typical – it’s not what

people usually do - as Emily explains. As we hear from her, who does she say is

‘the hen’, and what does the hen usually wear?


It usually involves a lot of drinking. The hen, i.e. the bride, will usually wear like a pretend veil5

and maybe some L plates, like on a car – you know, she's not quite married yet. And they

sometimes wear silly outfits7 and things but generally, they go to have a good time. They might go

to a club or to a restaurant.

Yvonne: So, a typical hen do might take place in a club – a night club – or in a restaurant,

and it ‘usually involves a lot of drinking’ - so the women usually drink a lot of

alcohol8. But, who is ‘the hen’ and what does she wear at her hen do? Kate?

Kate: Well, ‘the hen’ is the bride – or the bride-to-be, so the woman who’s getting

married. And she usually wears ‘a pretend veil’ – as Emily put it. That’s a bride’s

veil which isn’t real. It’s usually much smaller and shorter than the veil that brides

wear on their wedding day. 

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Yvonne: And what about the ‘L’ plates? What’s that about?

Kate: Oh no – well those are large, red ‘L’s- or the letter ‘L’ - or ‘L’ plates – which are

put on a car to show that the person is still only learning3 to drive – so it's not legal

for them to drive yet. So, the hen’s friends make her wear ‘L’ plates to show that

she's not legally married yet.


Yvonne: Emily also said the hen sometimes wears a silly outfit6 – clothes that make people

smile or laugh. And of course, the stag – the man who’s getting married – might

also have to wear a silly outfit for his stag do. But let’s hear from Ben who got

married in 2004, but he hasn't forgotten his stag do. It lasted a whole weekend but

what did he choose to do?


The culture at the moment seems to be getting on a plane and going to Eastern Europe and doing

lots of drinking. But I didn't really fancy9 that; I wanted to do something outdoors and get very wet

and cold and sleep in a barn10 with no heating11 - because that's the sort of thing that sounds like fun

to me!

Yvonne: Ben thinks that ‘the culture at the moment’ – the thing that lots of men do - is to

fly to Eastern Europe for a stag weekend and drink lots of alcohol. But as Ben says,

he didn’t ‘fancy’ that – he didn’t want to do that. So Kate, what did Ben do for his

stag do?

Kate: Well, he wanted to do something outdoors – something that didn’t take place

inside a building. So Ben and his friends got very cold and wet - and then they

slept in 'a barn' without any heating –and that's a building that's made for animals

to sleep in.

Yvonne: But for Ben, that sounded like fun! Well, it’s time now for the answer to today’s

question. Kate, I asked: on average, how much money does a guest spend to go to

a friend’s wedding?


Kate: And I said it was b) - £240. 

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Yvonne: It's more – it's actually £380.

Kate: Wow – that's so much money. Gosh!

Yvonne: Hmm – it is. Well that's all for today’s 6 Minute English – but do join us again




1 archer KVxzP     
  • The archer strung his bow and aimed an arrow at the target.弓箭手拉紧弓弦将箭瞄准靶子。
  • The archer's shot was a perfect bull's-eye.射手的那一箭正中靶心。
2 groom 0fHxW     
  • His father was a groom.他父亲曾是个马夫。
  • George was already being groomed for the top job.为承担这份高级工作,乔治已在接受专门的培训。
3 learning wpSzFe     
  • When you are learning to ride a bicycle,you often fall off.初学骑自行车时,常会从车上掉下来。
  • Learning languages isn't just a matter of remembering words.学习语言不仅仅是记些单词的事。
4 female 3kSxf     
  • We only employ female workers.我们只雇用女工。
  • The animal in the picture was a female elephant.照片上的动物是头母象。
5 veil VpWyC     
  • Please veil your face.请用面纱遮住脸。
  • There was a veil of mist over the mountains.山上覆盖着一层薄雾。
6 outfit YJTxC     
  • Jenney bought a new outfit for her daughter's wedding.珍妮为参加女儿的婚礼买了一套新装。
  • His father bought a ski outfit for him on his birthday.他父亲在他生日那天给他买了一套滑雪用具。
7 outfits ed01b85fb10ede2eb7d337e0ea2d0bb3     
n.全套装备( outfit的名词复数 );一套服装;集体;组织v.装备,配置设备,供给服装( outfit的第三人称单数 )
  • He jobbed out the contract to a number of small outfits. 他把承包工程分包给许多小单位。 来自辞典例句
  • Some cyclists carry repair outfits because they may have a puncture. 有些骑自行车的人带修理工具,因为他们车胎可能小孔。 来自辞典例句
8 alcohol AxCzB     
  • The law forbids shops to sell alcohol to minors.法律禁止商店向未成年者出售含酒精的饮料。
  • The alcohol is industrial.这些酒精是供工业用的。
9 fancy Pl2yl     
  • He seemed to have taken quite a fancy to her.他似乎相当喜欢她。
  • I have a fancy that it's going to rain.我想大概要下雨。
10 barn 6dayp     
  • That big building is a barn for keeping the grain.那幢大房子是存放粮食的谷仓。
  • The cows were driven into the barn.牛被赶进了牲口棚。
11 heating KrLz0U     
  • They will install a heating and lighting system in our house.他们将在我们家装上供热供电系统。
  • If the pressure is too low,the heating system will act up.如果压力太低,供暖系统就会出毛病。

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