历史英雄名人演讲 第79期:前联合国秘书长安南在清华大学的演讲(1)
时间:2017-04-11 01:25:55
8.Speech in Tsinghua University by Kofi Annan, Former Secretary General of the United Nations
Ladies and Gentlemen, it is a GREat honour for me to speak at one of China's great academic institutions one that is
helping1 to revive and maintain your country's historic tradition of leading the world in science and technology, and one whose alumni are to be found in positions of leadership throughout the country.
Here, as in so many other places in China, no visitor can help feeling the excitement of a great country developing at breakneck speed, and every day opening up new
vistas2 of knowledge and opportunity to its citizens. You can be really proud of your country and what it has achieved in the last 25 years.
As I look out over the young faces in this audience I cannot help envying the international students more than a thousand, I am told, from over 50 countries who have the privilege of sharing your learning experience here.
It reminds me for a moment of my own student days, when my country, Ghana, was newly independent. We felt we were suddenly reaching out to the world, and making new discoveries every day.