历史英雄名人演讲 第91期:脸书 自由时间孕育自由思想
时间:2017-04-26 00:50:08
1.Facebook Free Time Fosters Free Thinking
1.脸书 自由时间孕育自由思想
A lot of stuff that goes on with the company is really organic right now and isn't necessarily formalized. Although, maybe it will be in a short period of time as we continue to grow. I think that as organizations grow, a lot of the issues and structure that's put in place is put there because a comfort level breaks down and people communicating freely in a way that they can't when they're friends. And if you're working with your friend, you can tell him or her whatever you're thinking, and it's not going to offend him or her. And they'll probably comprehend it similarly to how you imagined it. I mean language isn't really a perfect idea transmission vehicle.
So I think one of the things that I do focus on at Facebook is making sure that culture is very friendly and that people hang out. So instead of having 20% of people's time spent working on their own projects, I make people hang out with each other. So I think that by doing that, I can't force you to hang out outside work, but I can make it so that people are more comfortable with each other and can communicate more freely.
在 Facebook,有一点我十分关注,就是确保友好的企业文化,大家都泡在一起。所以,与其让员工花20%的时间去进行各自的项目,我灵愿意让他们待在一起。我不能强迫大家工作之余也待在一起,但我可以让他们在相处的时候觉得更舒服,交流更自由。
So I guess, by doing this we kind of create a culture where people just talk to each other about stuff and get what each other is thinking more clearly than they would if the organization is more
bureaucratic1 or if like people wouldn't be heard. Since people are always talking, ideas get bounded off each other and then eventually, something starts making something, and then we're done.