
英文摇滚歌曲:Amberian Dawn - Incubus

时间:2017-05-24 09:21:25



"It's not a dream and it's not your imagination."

I'm lying in my bedroom restless at nights
And feeling someone's lying next to my side
I hear a heavy breathing - someone's next to me
And watching me

Sweet dreams now come to me
Your flesh is weak

I sense and know it's presence yet I'm asleep
Someone is preying upon my sleeping mind
Calling, desiring
And squeezing with all its might
It's trying to take over and choke me

A nightmare seizes in a freezing grip
I feel cold fingers running taking a grip
This spirit lurking in my sleep
And giving in I'll sleep forever more

Sweet dreams now come to me
Your flesh is weak


"The flesh is weak
Walk in the spirit
And ye shall not fulfill
The lust of the flesh"

[solo: Kasperi]


[solo: Kasperi]



0 it's MqtzUn     
(=it is;it has)
  • In "It's a bloody miracle!", "bloody" is used as an intensive word. 在“It‘s a bloody miracle!”一句中,bloody是用作加强语气的词。
  • According to Mick, it's a great movie. 据米克说,这是一部了不起的电影。
0 imagination uyUyO     
  • He has plenty of imagination.他有丰富的想像力。
  • You have a strong imagination.你的想象力很丰富。
0 dream Yrvxv     
  • I remembered my grandfather in my dream last night.昨晚我梦见了我的外祖父。
  • It's my dream to win a Nobel Prize.我的理想是获得诺贝尔奖。

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