世界名人故事之演员明星 第8期:Engrid Bergman 英格利·褒曼
时间:2017-07-27 01:40:09
11 Engrid Bergman 11 英格利·褒曼
nuns1, saints and
missionaries2, Engrid Bergman became the Hollywood star everyone loved. 英格利·褒曼,扮演过修女、圣女,成为人见人爱的好莱坞明星。
“Bright, beautiful, pure as the driven snow”. 全世界都认为她“像飞雪一样美丽纯洁、清新动人。”
That’s the way the world saw Engrid Bergman until she was burnt at the stake and buried by the press in the scandal that rocked the 50's. 然而在五十年代,她受到绯闻的困扰,被新闻界葬送了前程。
epic3 story altered the shape of international fame. 她走出了一条与众不同的明星路,
She changed the world’s ideas about what a woman could be. Engrid Bergman, is one of the most outstanding women of her time. 她的所作所为改变了世界对女人的看法。英格利·褒曼,是那个时代最杰出的女性之一。
In 1915 in Stockholm, Frieda and Justus Bergman welcomed home their beautiful baby daughter. 1915年,斯德哥尔摩,弗利德和加斯特斯·褒曼夫妇张开双臂,欢迎他们美丽的女儿来到这个世界上。
They named her after the Sweden’s two-year-old royal princess Engrid. 他们给她起名英格利,与时年二岁的瑞典公主同名。
Justus owned a film shop and many cameras and taught his family how to pose for them. 加斯特斯是名摄影师,家里有许多照相机,他教家人如何在镜头面前轻松自如。
In 1918,he became a single parent with his wife’s sudden death from a stomach
disorder4. Engrid was left motherless and
melancholy5. 1918年妻子因突发的胃病去世,失去母亲的英格利变得沉默寡言。
“Yes, I was a very sad child, and very lonely and I think, the way I saved myself was to invent the characters that I could talk to. “是的,小时侯我是个非常忧郁孤独的小姑娘。我经常幻想出一些可以跟我说话的人物,
Because I was terribly shy and if I had all these imaginary characters around me, you see,I could talk to them and they answered back, just what I wanted them to say. 我太腼腆了,很少和人交往。这些幻想中的人物在我身边,我跟他们谈心,他们照我希望的那样来回答我。
And that is how I became an actress, not knowing what I was doing was
acting6, ” Engrid said, “I didn’t choose acting, it chose me.” 就这样我成了演员,我甚至没有意识到我自己是在演戏。”英格利说:“不是我选择了表演,是表演选择了我。”
Her understanding of the art came at the royal dramatic theater school where Greta Garbo had also taken her first steps toward a career in a film. 进入瑞典皇家剧院附属学校学习,为她的表演艺术打下了坚实的基础。另一位出生于瑞典的好莱坞明星葛丽泰·嘉宝也是在这里开始了她的演艺生涯。
In 1934 while still in school, Engrid won her first movie role in The Count of Mount’s Bridge. 1934年,学习期间的褒曼在《蒙可波罗的伯爵》一片中得到了第一个角色,
Four films followed, and critics
raved7 about that young Miss Engrid Bergman, “one must simply surrender to her beauty and talent.” 接着又拍了四部电影,评论界给予她高度赞扬,“无人不被她的美丽和才华所折服”。