英语短文名人故事 政界精英 第14期:奥利弗.克伦威尔
时间:2017-07-27 01:59:56
Oliver Cromwell 奥利弗.克伦威尔
Born in Huntingdon in 1599 to a
relatively1 poor squirearchal family, 1599年,克伦威尔出生于亨延顿一个比较穷困的地主家庭。
Cromwell found religious
zeal2 as a Puritan while studying at Cambridge. 在剑桥学习的时候,克伦威尔感受到了清教徒们的宗教。
His faith influenced his appearance: he was conservative in his clothing and
austere3 in composure; 他的宗教信仰影响了他的外表:他衣着保守,简朴沉静;
his commanding voice and fervour proved a
trademark4 in parliament. 他那颇具权威性的声音和热情成为他在议会的标志。
But it was in the conduct of war that he excelled. 但是战争的爆发才使他脱颖而出。
Following Charles’failed attempt to arrest five MPs —among them Cromwell’s relative John Pym — civil war ensued. 在查理一世试图逮捕5名下院议员的行动失败之后,战争接着就发生了,这5个人当中有一个就是克伦威尔的亲戚John Pym.
Cromwell acted after losing the battle at Edge Hill to a superior Royalist
cavalry5. 在与高傲自大的保皇党派骑士们 在艾吉希尔的战役失利后,克伦威尔开始了他的行动。
By adding 60 horses to the Roundhead cause, the Battle of Marston
Moor6 became a Roundhead victory. 通过给圆颅党议会派分子多送的60匹战马,圆颅党分子获得了 1644年马斯顿荒原战役的胜利。
The final Cavalier defeat came at Naseby in 1645 and Cromwell had a major part to play in the
negotiations7 that followed. 保皇党1645 年最终在纳斯比彻底失败,克伦威尔在其后的谈判中扮演了主要的角色,起到重要作用。
He was, however, accused by all sides of
conspiracy8. 但是,他却受到协议 各方的指责。
stature9 was confirmed at Preston when the New Model Army triumphed under his command. 克伦威尔的声望在普瑞斯顿战役中得到确立,当时 在他的指挥下,新模范军队取得了胜利。
Thus his controversial career began. 他从而开始了 自己颇具争议的政治生涯。
After the execution of Charles in 1649,he ordered the
subjugation10 of Ireland, massacring
civilians11, 1649年处决查理以后,他下令征服爱尔兰,大肆屠杀平民,
and the remaining population was
constrained12 by the Act of Settlement in 1653. 并在1653年通过颁发 《安置令》对当地剩余的人口进行管制。
Scotland was invaded and the nobility forced to submit. 入侵苏格兰, 贵族阶级被迫顺从。
muzzled13 the press and defeated the rebels. 克伦威尔还钳制新闻言论,并打败了叛乱。
In response Cromwell further asserted his power and established the Instrument of Government, 作为回应,克伦威尔进一步维护自己的权力和力量,并颁布了政府文书,
awarding himself the office of Lord Protector supported by a single-chamber parliament. 自封护国主。
At the same time, his expensive army and failed trade wars with the Dutch proved expensive. 同时,他的军队 和与荷兰人之间的失败的贸易战也花费甚巨。
Despite himself Cromwell had re-established the
monarchy14 in all but name and returned England to the unhappy days of Charles I,s
reign15. 克伦威尔还重新建立独裁统治,又使英国回到了查理一世统治时 期的不幸时光。
Even so, his
benevolent16 despotism was acceptable to a weary nation and went uncontested. 尽管如此,他这种仁慈的专制仍然被疲乏的民众所接受,并淡有进行任何反抗。
Cromwell’s death in September 1658 was the only close to this particular chapter. 直到克伦威尔1658年9月去世,这一特殊的篇章才得以结束。