见信如晤Letters Live 第36期:'桑吉夫'读信:天呐,厨子死了(3)
时间:2017-08-24 01:03:25
Another thing that bothers you is “cowardice1 in the face of the enemy”. 另一件烦扰你的事情是“面对敌人时的懦弱”。
Well, the point is I suffered from cowardice in the face of the enemy throughout the war — in the face of the enemy, also in the legs, the elbows, and the wrists; 重点是,战时在敌人面前表现的怯懦让我痛苦不已,不仅是在敌人“面前”,他们的腿,他们的手肘甚至手腕也会让我战战兢兢;
in fact, after two years in the front line a
mortar2 bomb exploded by my head (or was it my head exploded by a mortar bomb), 其实,在前线呆了两年后,一枚迫击炮弹击中了我的头部(或者说我的头部撞上了一枚迫击炮弹),
and it so frightened me, I put on a tremendous act of
stammering3, stuttering, and shivering. 这场景把我吓坏了,我当时口吃,结巴,浑身颤抖,表情十分夸张。
This mixed with cries of “mother” and a free flow of dysentery enabled me to be taken out of the line and down-graded to B2. 哭爹喊娘的恐惧加上身患痢疾,我终于被撤下前线并被降级为B2。
But for that brilliant performance, this letter would be coming to you from a grave in Italy. 要不是这一身浮夸的演技,你收到的这封信可能会从意大利的坟墓里发出来。
Any more questions from you and our friendship is at an end. 你若再起疑,休怪我割袍断义。
Sincerely, Spike Milligan 斯派克·米利甘谨上