美国语文第四册 第106期:善意(1)
时间:2018-05-07 08:52:16
I suppose you all, my boys, are looking for some sort of success in life; 我的孩子们,你们一定想在生活中取得成功;
it is right that you should; but what are your notions of success? 你应该这么做,这是对的;但是成功的概念是什么呢?
To get rich as soon as possible, without regard to the means by which your wealth is acquired? 是尽快致富,而不考虑获取财富的方式吗?
There is no true success in that: when you have gained millions, you may yet be poorer than when you had nothing; 这样做不会带来真正的成功:当你成为百万富翁时,你可能比一无所有更贫穷;
and it is that same reckless ambition which has brought many a bright and capable boy, not to great estate at last, 同样,不计后果的野心,最后常常不会给聪明能干的孩子带来财富,
but to
miserable1 failure and disgrace; not to a palace, but to a prison. 而是惨痛的失败和耻辱;等待他们的不是宫殿,而是监狱。
Wealth rightly got and rightly used, rational
enjoyment2, power, fame,—these are all
worthy3 objects of ambition; 正确获得和使用财富、理性享受、得到权力和荣誉,这些目标都值得追求;
but they are not the highest objects, and you may acquire them all without achieving true success. 但是它们不是最高的目标,而且即使没有获得真正的成功,也可以取得这一切。
But if, whatever you seek, you put good will into all your actions, you are sure of the best success at last; 可是,不论你追求的是什么,如果你都带着善意去做,你最后一定会取得最大的成功;
for whatever else you gain or miss, you are building up a noble and beautiful character, 因为不论你得到或失去什么,你都在培养高尚良好的品格,
which is not only the best of possessions in this world, but also is about all you can expect to take with you into the next. 这不仅是这个世界上最好的财富,也是你能期望带到下一世的所有财富。
I say, good will in all your actions. 我说,你所有的行为必须带着善意。
You are not simply to be kind and helpful to others; but, whatever you do, give honest, earnest purpose to it. 不是简单的善良,乐于助人;而是,不论你做什么,带着诚实认真的意图去做。
Thomas is put by his parents to learn a business. 托马斯的父母让他学习做生意。
But Thomas does not like to apply himself very closely. 可是托马斯并不全力以赴。
"What's the use?" he says. I'm not paid much, and I'm not going to work much. “有什么用呢?”他说,“我的报酬低,因此我不会干太多的工作。
I’ll get along just as easily as I can, and have as good times as I can. 我得过且过,过得轻松愉快就行了。