美国语文第四册 第107期:善意(2)
时间:2018-05-07 08:53:19
So he shirks his tasks; and instead of thinking about his employer's interests, or his own self improvement, gives his mind to trifles,—often to evil things, 他因此在面对工作时不主动上前;不考虑雇主的利益,或者提高自己的能力,只考虑微不足道的——这些事常常是有害的,
which in their ruinous effects upon his life are not trifles. 同样这些事对他的人生具有毁灭性的后果,这可不是微不足道的。
As soon as he is free from his daily duties, he is off with his companions, having what they call a good time; 一做完日常的工作,他马上就和伙伴们出去玩,正如他们自己说的,享受快乐的时光;
his heart is with them even while his hands are employed in the shop or store. 即使手头做着店里或仓库里的工作,他的心也飞到伙伴们那里去了。
He does nothing
thoroughly1 well,—not at all for want of talent, but
solely2 for lack of good will. 他从不尽力把工作做到最好,这完全不是因为缺乏才智,只是因为缺乏善意。
He is not preparing himself to be one of those efficient clerks or workmen who are always in demand, and who receive the highest wages. 他不准备自己是其中的一个总是在需求的有效的职员或工人,并获得最高的工资。
There is a class of people who are the pest of every community, 有一种人是所有人群里的害虫,
workmen who do not know their trade, men of business ignorant of the first principles of business. 工人不懂业务,商人不了解商业第一法则。
They can never be relied upon to do well anything they undertake. 你永远不能指望他们做好任何工作。
They are always making blunders which other people have to suffer for, and which react upon themselves. 他们不断出错,给别人添麻烦,反过来也影响自己。
They are always getting out of employment, and failing in business. 他们总是失业,经商也失败。
To make up for what they lack in knowledge and thoroughness, they often resort to trick and fraud, and become not merely
contemptible3 but criminal. 因为缺乏知识,做事欠考虑,他们常常耍把戏欺骗别人,因此他们不但可憎甚至会滑向犯罪。
Thomas is preparing himself to be one of this class. 托马斯就是其中的一个。
You can not, boys, expect to raise a good crop from evil seed. 孩子们,你们不能期望邪恶的种子会长出好的庄稼。