美国语文第四册 第115期:长颈鹿(1)
时间:2018-05-07 09:09:31
The giraffe is a native of Africa. 长颈鹿产自非洲,
It is of singular shape and size, and bears some resemblance both to the camel and the deer. 是一种外形和尺寸独特的动物,与骆驼和鹿都有相似的特征。
The mouth is small; the eyes are full and brilliant; the tongue is rough, very long, and ending in a point. 口部很小;眼睛又圆又亮;舌头粗糙,而且很长,舌尖很尖。
The neck is long and slender, and, from the shoulder to the top of the head, it measures between seven and eight feet; 脖子细长,从肩到头顶有七到八英尺;
from the ground to the top of the shoulder, it is commonly ten or eleven feet; 自地面到肩,一般有十或十一英尺;
so that the height of a full-grown giraffe is seventeen or eighteen feet. 因此一个成年的长颈鹿的高度是十七或十八英尺。
The hair is of a deep brown color in the male, and of a light or yellowish brown in the female. 雄长颈鹿的毛是深灰色的,而雌长颈鹿的毛是淡褐色或黄褐色的。
The skin is beautifully
diversified1 with white spots. 长颈鹿的皮肤上有漂亮的白点。
They have short, blunt horns, and
hoofs2 like those of the ox. 长颈鹿的角是短的,并不尖锐,蹄子和牛的相似。
In their wild state, they feed on the leaves of a gum-bearing tree
peculiar3 to warm climates. 野生状态的长颈鹿吃含树胶的树叶,这种树是气候温暖的地方特有的。
The giraffe, like the horse and other
hoofed4 animals, defends itself by kicking; 像马或其他有蹄类动物一样,长颈鹿用踢腿来保护自己;
and its hinder limbs are so light, and its blows so rapid, that the eye can not follow them. 长颈鹿的后肢非常灵巧,踢的时候快得我们的眼睛都跟不上。
They are sufficient for its
defense5 against the lion. 这使长颈鹿甚至可以和狮子对抗。
It never employs its horns in resisting the attack of an enemy. 长颈鹿从来不用角来对付敌人。
disposition6 is gentle, and it flees to its native forest upon the least alarm. 它脾气温和,得到轻微的警报就会跑回森林。