美国语文第四册 第133期:大象(2)
时间:2018-05-08 01:42:49
He then stretched his proboscis1 in a straight line as far as he could, 这时大象尽可能在硬币的上方伸直长鼻,
a little distance above the coin, and blew with great force against the wall. 用力向墙上吹气。
The angle produced by the
opposition2 of the wall, made the current of air act under the coin, as he evidently supposed it would, 作用在硬币下方,好像计算好了似的,
and it was curious to observe the sixpence traveling toward the animal till it came within his reach, when he picked it up. 人们惊讶地发现硬币移动到了大象能够到的位置,这时大象拾起了硬币。
A soldier in India, who had frequently carried an elephant some arrack, being one day
intoxicated3, 一个印度士兵经常用大象运送酒,有一天他喝醉了,
and seeing himself pursued by the guard whose orders were to conduct him to prison, took refuge under the elephant. 一个卫兵追了过来,一旦被抓住,就要被关进监狱,这个印度士兵藏在了大象的身体下面。
The guard soon finding his retreat, attempted in vain to take him from his
asylum4; for the elephant vigorously defended him with his trunk. 面。卫兵虽然很快找到了他,却没有办法抓到他,因为大象用长鼻奋力保护他。
As soon as the soldier became sober, and saw himself placed under such an unwieldy animal, 一清醒过来,看到自己钻到这个庞然大物的身下,
he was so terrified that he scarcely durst move either hand or foot; 士兵吓坏了,手脚都不敢移动;
but the elephant soon caused his fears to
subside5 by
caressing6 him with his trunk, and thus tacitly saying, "Depart in peace." 可是大象很快打消了他的恐惧,用鼻子抚摩着他,似乎在说,“放心离开吧。”
A pleasing
anecdote7 is related of an elephant which was the property of the nabob of Lucknow. 还有一个人们喜闻乐见的故事,一位印度王子有一头不同寻常的大象。
The road to the palace gate was covered with the sick and dying, lying on the ground at the moment the nabob was about to pass. 当王子要经过王宫大门的时候,道路上到处躺着生病和垂死的人。
Regardless of the suffering he must cause, the nabob held on his way, not caring whether his beast trod upon the poor helpless creatures or not. 王子骑着象继续赶路,毫不顾及会不会踩到人,也不管会带来多大的痛苦。
But the animal, more kind-hearted than his master, carefully cleared the path of the poor, helpless
wretches11 as he went along. 可是大象比它的主人善良,一边走一边小心地清理道路,移开那些可怜的、无助的、不幸的人。
Some he lifted with his trunk,
entirely12 out of the road. 它用鼻子把一些人挪到路边,
Some he set upon their feet, and among the others he stepped so carefully that not an individual was injured. 又使另外一些人站起来。小心翼翼地走在余下的人中间,没伤到一个人。