美国语文第四册 第162期:阿尔弗雷德大帝(3)
时间:2018-05-08 02:18:33
Alfred granted them their lives, and settled them in a part of his kingdom where nearly all his own people had been destroyed. 阿尔弗雷德饶了他们的命,把他们安置在王国的一块地方,这里原来的居民几乎都死于战争中。
He hoped by this to change
obstinate1 enemies into useful friends who would protect England from further attacks of their own countrymen. 他希望这样做能够改变顽固的敌人,把他们变成有用的朋友,在其他丹麦人侵犯时保卫英格兰。
However, some years later, when the Danes made another invasion, these people joined them in fighting against Alfred, 可是,几年后,当丹麦人再次侵略英格兰的时候,这些人加入了他们,与阿尔弗雷德作战,
but he soon succeeded in driving them all out of the country. 但阿尔弗雷德很快把他们都赶出了英格兰。
Much as Alfred did for his people in war, he did more in time of peace. 就像在战争时期保卫国家一样,阿尔弗雷德在和平时期也为本国人做了很多事。
Above all else he gave careful attention to their education. 他尤其重视教育,
He also founded many schools, to which every owner of a certain portion of land was compelled to send his children. 还开办了很多学校,所有拥有土地的人都必须把孩子送去学习。
But he did as much good by the example that he set as by these acts. 不仅如此,他更以身作则。
His time was divided into three parts. 他把时间分成三块。
One was given to business, one to
refreshment4 by sleep and food, and the third to study and devotion. 一块用于商业,一块用于日常的睡眠和进食,第三块用于学习和宗教活动。
Clocks and watches, and probably even sundials, were then unknown, so these divisions were marked by burning candles of equal lengths. 钟表,甚至日晷在当时也不为人所知,因此这三块时间是通过点燃相同长度的蜡烛表示的。
Alfred did not study for his own pleasure merely, but translated and wrote many works for the good of his people, 阿尔弗雷德不仅仅因为喜爱而学习,更为了让人民受益,
using the simple language which they could easily understand and enjoy. 他用简单易懂、生动优美的语言翻译和写作了很多作品。
His person was handsome and
dignified5, full of grace and activity. 他长相英俊、态度庄重、举止优雅、充满活力。
But the more noble beauty was within, in the enlightened mind and
virtuous6 heart of the king. 可是他最崇高的美存在于心灵里,表现为开明的头脑和高贵的品德。
After his name, which has its place on an ancient record of English kings, is written the noble title of "Truth
Teller7." 作为古代英国国王,他名垂青史,在他的名字后面,写着“讲真话的人”。