美国语文第四册 第175期:袭击纳梅亨(1)
时间:2018-05-08 02:30:36
On the evening of the 10th of August, 1589, there was a wedding feast in one of the splendid mansions2 of the stately city. 1589年8月10日夜,在这个伟大城市的一座富丽堂皇的大厦里正举办一场婚宴。
The festivities were prolonged until deep in the midsummer's night, and
harp3 and viol were still inspiring the feet of the dancers, 庆祝活动一直持续到半夜,人们伴着竖琴和小提琴翩翩起舞,
when on a sudden, in the midst of the holiday groups, appeared the grim visage of Martin Schenk, the man who never smiled. 突然在庆祝的人群中出现了从来不笑的马丁·申克的阴冷面孔。
Clad in no wedding garment, but in armor of proof, with morion on head, and sword in hand, the great freebooter strode heavily through the
ballroom4, 他没穿礼服,而是穿着盔甲,手中拿着剑,这个著名的强盗步履沉重地穿过舞厅,
followed by a party of those terrible musketeers who never gave or asked for quarter, while the affrighted revelers fluttered away before them. 身后跟着一队恐怖的火枪手,这些人从不要求得到或给予别人怜悯,受惊的狂欢者纷纷让路。
Taking advantage of a dark night, he had just dropped down the river from his castle, with five and twenty
barges5, 乘着漆黑的夜色,二十五条驳船从他们的城堡顺流而下。
had landed with his most trusted soldiers in the foremost
vessels6, 他带着最亲信的士兵,来到了圣安东尼城,
battered7 down the gate of St. Anthony, and surprised and
slain8 the guard. 撞开城门,杀死了毫无准备的把守城门的卫兵。
Without waiting for the rest of his boats, he had then stolen with his comrades through the silent streets, 没等别的船上的人,他和他的战友悄悄穿过寂静的街道,
and torn away the latticework, and other slight defenses on the rear of the house which they had now entered, 破坏了屋后的栅栏等无足轻重的防御设施,进入了屋子,
and through which they intended to possess themselves of the market place. 他们想据此占领市场。
Martin had long since selected this
mansion1 as a proper position for his enterprise, but he had not been bidden to the wedding, 马丁一直想选这栋大厦作为行动的根据地,可是他没有收到婚礼邀请,
and was somewhat disconcerted when he found himself on the
festive9 scene which he had so grimly interrupted. 当他发现自己冷酷地打断了庆祝婚礼的现场时也感到有点窘迫。