美国语文第四册 第176期:袭击纳梅亨(2)
时间:2018-05-08 02:40:32
Some of the merrymakers escaped from the house, and proceeded to alarm the town; 一些寻欢作乐的人从房子里逃了出来,报了警,全城都知道了;
while Schenk hastily
fortified1 his position, and took possession of the square. 申克急急忙忙地巩固他的根据地,并且占领了广场。
But the burghers and
garrison2 were soon on foot, and he was driven back into the house. 可是居民和驻军很快站稳了脚跟,把他赶到房子里。
Three times he recovered the square by main strength of his own arm, seconded by the handful of men whom he had brought with him, 他们三次收复了市场,凭借他自己的力量,和他带领的那一小部分人,
and three times he was beaten back by overwhelming numbers into the wedding
mansion3. 可是三次又都被数量众多的居民和驻军打回到举办婚礼的大厦。
The arrival of the greater part of his
followers4, 如果他的大队人马到来,
with whose assistance he could easily have mastered the city in the first moments of surprise, was mysteriously delayed. 他们可以不费力气地突袭占领这个城市,他不知道他们为什么迟到,
He could not account for their prolonged absence, and was meanwhile supported only by those who had arrived with him in the foremost
barges5. 可是他们竟然神秘地没有出现,只能依靠先到的几只驳船的人进行抵抗。
The truth—of which he was ignorant—was, that the remainder of the flotilla, 他不了解的真相是,
borne along by the strong and deep current of the Waal, then in a state of freshet, had shot past the landing place, 他的船队顺着瓦尔河湍急的水流,在涨水的时候迅速驶过了登陆地点,
and had ever since been vainly struggling against wind and tide to force their way back to the necessary point. 而后又费力地逆风逆流向登陆地点行驶。
Meantime Schenk and his followers fought
desperately6 in the market place, and desperately in the house which he had seized. 同时申克和他的人在市场和房子里绝望地战斗。
But a whole garrison, and a town full of citizens in arms proved too much for him, 可是全体驻军和武装起来的居民人数实在太多了,
and he was now hotly
besieged7 in the mansion, and at last driven
forth8 into the streets. 他们被紧紧包围在大厦里,最终被赶到了街上。
By this time day was dawning, the whole population, soldiers and burghers, men, women, and children, 此时黎明已经到来,所有人,包括驻军和市民,男人、女人和孩子,
thronging9 about the little band of marauders, and
assailing10 them with every weapon and every missile to be found. 紧紧困住了这一小撮海盗,用各种武器和所有能找到的投掷物向他们攻击。
Schenk fought with his usual ferocity, but at last the musketeers, in spite of his indignant commands, began rapidly to retreat toward the
quay11. 申克和往常一样凶猛作战,可是最后火枪手们已经不听他愤怒的命令了,开始迅速朝码头方向撤退。