美国语文第五册 第259期:宗教 社会的唯一基石(1)
时间:2018-05-11 02:15:37
Religion is a social concern; for it operates powerfully on society, contributing in various ways to its stability and prosperity. 宗教为一种社会关照,就维系社会稳定繁荣来说,宗教通过不同方式对社会影响甚大。
Religion is not merely a private affair; the community is deeply interested in its
diffusion1; 宗教不仅为个体信仰,宗教传播更为引起社会公众的高度关注,
for it is the best support of the
virtues3 and principles, on which the social order rests. 因为,仁慈与信念才能维持社会秩序的正常运行,而宗教则为其提供最有力的支持。
Pure and undefiled religion is to do good; and it follows, very plainly, 纯真虔诚的宗教旨在行善,显而易见,它所遵循的信条是,
that if God be the Author and Friend of society, then, the recognition of him must enforce all social duty, 假如上帝缔造了社会,上帝是人类朋友,那么,对上帝认知势必强化社会的所有职能,
and enlightened
piety4 must give its whole strength to public order. 知礼明义的诚信势必为社会公众秩序的坚韧基石。
Few men suspect, perhaps no man comprehends, the extent of the support given by religion to every
virtue2. 鲜少有人质疑,或许无人意识到,就维系并推动人类每一善行来说,宗教究竟能走多远;
No man, perhaps, is aware how much our moral and social sentiments are fed from this fountain; 人们可能无从获悉,人类道德与社会感知究竟从宗教精神源头撷取多少营养?
how powerless conscience would become without the belief of a God; 假如,不再信奉上帝,人类良心将会变得极度脆弱;
how palsied would be human
benevolence5, were there not the sense of a higher benevolence to quicken and sustain it; 如果内心缺乏更为高尚的激励机制甚至维系向善,人类仁爱悲悯将会苟延残喘;
how suddenly the whole social
fabric6 would quake, and with what a fearful crash it would sink into hopeless ruin, 社会构建系统无一避免随即产生动荡,从而引发整个系统的可怕崩溃毁灭:
were the ideas of a
Supreme7 Being, of accountableness and of a future life to be
utterly8 erased9 from every mind. 即至高无上的存在、责任担当意识,以及对未来生活的祈求展望将从每一个心灵完全抹去。
And, let men
thoroughly10 believe that they are the work and sport of chance; 因此,不妨让人们由衷相信,他们才是向善机缘的实施与推动者,
that no superior intelligence concerns itself with human affairs; that all their improvements perish forever at death; 不会有先哲神明关注人类生活,他们所有努力身后已化为灰烬。