美国语文第五册 第264期:人类与动物(2)
时间:2018-05-11 02:21:32
But the inferior animals provide for themselves and their young without any of these things. 然而,低级动物无法为自己或后代制造任何劳动工具。
Now for the second distinction. Man, in all his operations, makes mistakes; animals make none. 现在,我们来谈谈第二个差异。就人类行为举止而言,凡夫俗子错误在所难免;
Did you ever hear of such a thing as a bird sitting on a
twig1 lamenting2 over her half-finished nest and puzzling her little head to know how to complete it? 而动物不会犯错误。你是否听说栖息树枝上的小鸟哀叹自己尚未完工的巢穴,或是不知所措怎样将巢穴建好?
Or did you ever see the cells of a beehive in clumsy, irregular shapes, 你是否观察过那些拙笨、不规则的蜂房巢室,
or observe anything like a discussion in the little community, as if there were a difference of opinion among the architects? 是否留意在筑造蜂巢时,蜜蜂群体成员存在不同意见从而进行讨论?
The lower animals are even better physicians than we are; 与人类相比,低级动物不愧是更好的医生。
for when they are ill, they will, many of them, seek out some particular herb, which they do not, use as food, 动物生病时,它们大多寻找某些特殊药草,这类药草并非食用,
and which possesses a medicinal quality exactly suited to the complaint; 而是专门用作治病养伤,并且确实具有某种药物疗效;
whereas, the whole college of physicians will dispute for a century about the
virtues3 of a single drug. 相反,就医用疗效来说,哪怕一种药物,整个医学院专家医生们完全可以喋喋不休地辩论上百年。
Man undertakes nothing in which he is not more or less puzzled; 人类做事总喜欢瞻前顾后,
and must try numberless experiments before he can bring his
undertakings4 to anything like perfection; 他必须无数次躬身亲为,试图将事情做到近乎完善,
even the simplest operations of domestic life are not well performed without some experience; 然而,哪怕最简单的家庭生活缺乏实践,他亦无法做到称心如意。
and the term of man's life is half wasted before he has done with his mistakes and begins to profit by his lessons. 人类初涉某一事物,错误过失在所难免,每每开始从自身经验教训里终有所得,他的人生时光早已挥霍过半。