美国语文第五册 第267期:家庭场景(1)
时间:2018-05-11 02:45:50
Little does the boy know, as the tide of years drifts by, floating him out insensibly from the harbor of his home, upon the great sea of life, 男孩很少知道,随着岁月潮水的流逝,不知不觉间,他已从家乡的港口离开,
what joys, what opportunities, what affections, are slipping from him into the shades of that inexorable Past, 所有快乐、机遇和钟情正在悄然溜走,宛如进入无法改变的过去,驶入生活的浩瀚海洋。
where no man can go, save on the wings of his dreams. 除非展开梦幻的双翼,没有任何人能够抵达那一深邃时光。
Little does he think, as he leans upon the lap of his mother, with his eye turned to her, 男孩很少想到,当他倚靠在母亲身边,眼巴巴地望着母亲,
in some earnest pleading for a fancied pleasure of the hour, or in some important story of his griefs, 急切地恳求母亲为他讲述精彩虚幻的岁月,或者哀怨难过的故事,
that such sharing of his sorrows, and such sympathy with his wishes, he will find nowhere again. 那些故事里流泻出他的忧愁感伤,寄寓了他的美好愿景,在母亲娓娓动听的故事里,他再次发现无路可逃。
Little does he imagine that the fond sister Nelly, ever thoughtful of his pleasures, 男孩很少考虑,那位可爱的耐莉妹妹对他那么体贴备至,
ever smiling away his griefs, will soon be beyond the reach of either; 总是笑语盈盈地化解他的哀愁。然而,不久两人便渐离渐远。
and that the waves of the years which come rocking so gently under him will soon toss her far away, upon the great
swell1 of life. 曾经在他心底激起的温柔涟漪,时光旋即那个美丽身影远远抛开,他不得不面对现实的无端残酷。
But now, you are there. The fire light
glimmers2 upon the walls of your cherished home. 现在,你又回到家乡。心里珍藏的家舍墙壁上火光闪烁,
The big chair of your father is
drawn3 to its wonted corner by the chimney side; his head, just touched with gray, lies back upon its oaken top. 父亲那把宽大椅子依旧摆放在烟囱边往日角落,他的头倚靠在座椅的橡木椅顶,已是发须皆白。
Opposite sits your mother: her figure is thin, her look cheerful, yet subdued;—her arm perhaps resting on your shoulder, 母亲坐在对面,她身材瘦削,神色开心,笑得有点儿勉强,或许她的胳膊搭在你的肩上,
as she talks to you in tones of tender admonition, of the days that are to come. 一边轻声叮咛,嘱你不要荒废时日的家常道理。
The cat is purring on the
hearth4; the clock that ticked so plainly when Charlie died is ticking on the mantel still. 猫咪在灶台上打着呼噜,沉寂的壁炉架上那台挂钟滴答走着,一如既往地走着,与查理死时毫无两样。